Kanyini is a 2006 Australian documentary film that evolved from an interview Uncle Bob gave during the making of Petrol Wiya, a documentary film commissioned by the Mutitjulu Aboriginal Community Health Clinic. As a respected elder and traditional custodian of the lands, Uncle Bob was asked the question, “How did your mob get into such a state of hopelessness?” There was no short answer. He provided a filmed explanation through his lens of Aboriginal wisdom and philosophy of living. It was a compelling narrative that not only shed light on the history, systemic insjustices and inequalities faced by Indigenous Peoples, he also brought to light the essence of cultural teacher as a pedago gy of Kanyini Techings. Essentially, Uncle Bob outlined the deeper story of humanity’s struggle to live in peace and harmony through his story because the experience of relatively recently-colonised Aboriginal Australians echoes what has been happening for centuries in the rest of the world. Some two years later, thanks to the dedication and loving support of his Sandhill Road Pictures family, Uncle Bob wrote, narrated, and co-produced the Kanyini Film with Melanie Hogan.
Kanyini was voted “Best Documentary” at the 2007 London Australian Film Festival as well as the winner of the “Inside Film Independent Spirit Award”, and winner of the Discovery Channel “Best Documentary” award in 2006.
“A spiritual celebration of land, spirit and wisdom.” — Sun Herald
“Kanyini – A Powerful and Personal Story …..Uncle Bob explains how Kanyini makes us all brothers and sisters, all part of the same oneness, all with the same mother – Australia.” – The Canberra Times
“With a voice like honey, Bob Randall is an Aboriginal man with something rather important to share: the meaning of life.” – Sydney Morning Herald
” is the heartfelt words of Uncle Bob that are at the film’s core. His simple but eloquent telling, his generosity of spirit, his patience and dignity are overwhelming.. – CInephilia
“An exceptionally beautiful film ….” – Sunday Program
Kanyini trailer
In Kanyini, Bob Randall [cc1929-2015] shares his knowledge of Anangu wisdom, stories of his personal journey and he explores some of the reasons behind the struggles of Aboriginal Australians in modern Australia.