Kanyini Principles
Uncle Bob Randall’s full presentation @ Bondi’s Chapel by the Sea. Uncle Bob teaches about Kanyini, the principle of connectedness through caring and responsibility that underpins Aboriginal life. Kanyini is a connectedness to tjukurrpa (knowledge of creation or ‘Dreaming’, spirituality), ngura (place, land), walytja (kinship) and kurunpa (spirit or soul). Kanyini is nurtured through caring and practicing responsibility for all things and manifests as unconditional love.
The Mother Would Hold You
Bob Randall – Mutitjulu, Australia
Living The Love
Interview with Katie Kasben, 2012.
Unconditional Love with Responsibility
The Shift Network
Bob Randall, is an Yankunytjatjara Elder and a traditional owner of Uluru (Ayers Rock). Bob is one of the stolen generation of the Aboriginal people, taken from his family at the age of seven. Throughout his life Bob has worked as teacher and leader for Aboriginal land rights, education, community development and cultural awareness. For more, check out www.globalonenessproject.org
Every Living Thing is Family
Uncle Bob, traditional keeper of Uluru and respected Australian elder explains how we are caretakers for the Earth.
We Are Caretakers
Global Oneness Project